The new year is a time for fresh starts, but by the end of January, many people struggle to stick with their resolutions – especially financial ones. Whether working on saving for a big purchase or planning for long-term security, having clear, actionable financial goals is key to staying on track. Here are the basics behind setting goals and making them last.
Unfortunately, investing 101 is not a mandatory class for most people. If you’re not particularly interested in finance, you can cruise through high school, college, and even the beginning of your adult life with little understanding of the subject. One day, it hits you that you need to start building the future you’ve always wanted for your retirement to look like it does in your dreams.
Do you have a hard time discussing finances? You’re not alone. This topic has historically been somewhat taboo and even though Gen Z has already significantly shifted societal conversations to be more open, for some reason many people of all generations still struggle to speak up about money.
Bonds are commonly considered poor investments when rates are on the rise. But is that really a fair assessment? This blog will address misconceptions about bonds.
There’s a lot of buzz in the investment world about Bitcoin—and cryptocurrencies in general. Is it an investment? A real medium of exchange? Some of this interest undoubtedly comes from the fact that, in 2009, Bitcoins were selling for eight cents a coin. At the peak earlier this year, one of those coins was trading at $65,000.
We tend to pay an awful lot of attention to investment returns. Mostly, I suppose, because they are in our faces all the time. Turn on the television, listen to the radio, pick-up the newspaper, even our smart phones have applications to keep us continuously abreast of the latest valuation placed by Wall Street traders on a basket of thirty stocks we know as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). But what does today's valuation have to do with our lives, and should it make or break our day?